Joel Godston


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Joel Godston
Born: July 4, 1934

Born on July 4, 1934, living on Staten Island, when at the age of 9, I knew I wanted to be involved in Aviation. My parents helped me purchase a Thor model airplane motor.... really wasn't much good…. would not run very well even on the motor stand I constructed....built u-control model 'high speed' model airplanes… Graduated Curtis High School in February 1952...went to RPI to become an Aeronautical Engineer and in Air Force ROTC...Graduated... was in the Air Force pilot training class of
57-H.... First flight in a ‘souped up’ Piper Cub was on February 2, 1956…. Became a pilot after almost being 'washed out'… flew B-47's with an Aircraft Commander who flew B-17's in WWII.... flew F-86H's and F-84's in the Mass. Air National Guard...worked at Pratt & Whitney, division of United Technologies, Inc. for about 40 years..... Now retired mentoring and 'teaching' aviation related subjects with elementary, junior, and senior high school students, and previously adults in Dartmouth's ILEAD program…continued flying in our 1976 Cessna 182 to travel, and fly youngsters to become a Young Eagle, an EAA program chaired by Sully & Jeff, pilots of the now-famous US Airways Flight 1549 ditching in the Hudson River... My last flight in our 1976 Cessna 182 (N1408M) was in October 2011 and sold in
2012… VERY sad; but I had 55 years, 1,996 hours flying time with 1,762 take-offs and landings… much fun, challenges, excitement, and pilot-in-command time… Being in Aviation, EAA Young Eagles program (flown just under 400 youngsters), and mentoring youngsters has been, and is, a VERY rewarding experience.

Received the EAA Leadership Award in 2006, and in 2010 The Wright Brothers “Master Pilot” Award from FAA “In recognition of your contributions to building and maintaining the safest aviation system in the world, through practicing and promoting safe flight operations for 50 consecutive years”
Organized Airport Awareness Day and Young Eagle Rally at Lebanon Airport for 4 years and Dean Memorial Airport for 14 years
In 2014 I became a ‘Ground Pounder’,
member of EAA Chapter 26 Seattle, WA co-chairing monthly newsletter, “WIND IN THE RIGGING, belike”, and doing mentoring/seminars on many Aviation related topics with youngsters & ‘elderly’.